Telescope Evening - held 16 October 2010

We held a 'Telesope Evening' in October, where members of the club were invited to bring their telescopes. During the evening Pete Struve, our chairman gave demonstrations on how to balance and polar align a 150mm Newtonian Reflector (see picture opposite).

As it did last year, the evening proved very popular as these photos, taken by Rob Slack show. Held in the large hall at Lawn Community Centre, the event attracted a lot of visitors and among the telescopes on display were reflectors, refractors and APO's, SCT's and Mak's.

Jonathan Gale and Owen Brazell
Malcolm Woods lends a hand!
Robin and Hilary Wilkey demonstrating a Meade 90mm 'GoTo' refractor
Peter Chapell discusses telescope with Sheila and Barry Fisher
Special thanks to Rob Slack for taking the photos

Foreground: Helios 200mm reflector belonging to Rob Slack, with modified 'spider'.
With club member John Boydell in the middle.

Background: The later Skywatcher Explorer P200mm Reflector on an EQ5 mount

Telescope Evening October 2010










































Above: Bernie and Pat